Evening MBA Courses
A Flexible MBA for Expanded Career Options
Evening MBA Core Courses
Financial reports are used mainly to set up and monitor contracts between the firm and its stakeholders, and to value these stakeholders’ claims on the firms’ assets.
This course covers the general and interpretation of accounting information for managerial decision-making and control.
Students have the option to take this during their 4th or 7th semester. Students who waive out of a core course are still required to complete Goizueta IMPACT.
An organizing vehicle for activities that support professionalism during term 1 of the Evening MBA Program.
The Leadership Development course is founded on a belief that development of a leaders’ capability is central to the mission of the Goizueta Business School. The course is based on and will be measured against a competency model that is anchored by specific competencies representing the cognitive, relational, emotional, and behavioral dimensions.
Students will travel out of the country for delivery/immersion experience. Only one international module will count towards degree. Additional International modules may be taken, space available, but will not count towards degree.
This course focuses on the economic decisions made by managers of firms, and the structures of various market environments within which these decisions are made.
This course is intended to provide a market-oriented framework for analyzing the major types of financial decisions made by corporations.
Evolution of information technology has dramatically increased the availability and importance of data and statistical analysis in business decision making. This course centers on understanding the decision processes and statistical tools, methods, analysis, and models that will serve the MBA curriculum and beyond.
The challenges confronting firms competing in today’s dynamic environment demand a multi-disciplinary focus. As we prepare students, who seek to understand and face these challenges, this course integrates the fundamental principles of information systems and operations management to cover the multiple activities comprising a firm’s operating core and its supply chain.
The class introduces participants to concepts and principles of marketing management. The major role of marketing in a company (or public agency) is determining, creating, communicating and delivering a value proposition that meets the needs of its customers.
This course provides an intensive overview of the major concepts in organizational behavior and issues facing contemporary managers.
This course addresses the big picture issues in business. What determines overall corporate performance? Why do some companies succeed while other fall? And, what if anything, can managers really do about it?
Course Calendar

Popular Subjects of Interest
- Business Analytics
- Capital Markets
- Corporate Finance
- Entrepreneurship
- General Marketing
- Global Management
- Healthcare Management
- Management Consulting
- Managerial Finance
- Marketing Analytics
- Nonprofit Management
- Operations Management
- Product and Brand Management
- Real Estate
- Social Enterprise
- Strategy
Accelerated Elective Courses
Accelerated Elective Courses
Design thinking is a powerful approach for developing practical, creative solutions to real-world problems. It uses the mindset & methods of design practitioners to identify & address human needs by developing functional & emotionally meaningful products, services, processes, & spaces. In this course, you will learn the fundamental phases of the design thinking process. You will observe & interview real users in the field to get a better understanding of their challenges around experience with a product, service, process, or space.
Semester: Fall (August)
In this course we will consider the topics of marketing strategy and customer relationship management. Classic Marketing Strategy emphasizes the selection of customer segments and the determination of the appropriate positioning of the product or brand. Customer Relationship Management has grown in popularity over the past decade as firms have gained the ability to implement marketing strategies at the level of micro segments or individual customers. In addition, in this course we will emphasize how firms can develop and use information to support brand and customer strategies.
Semester: Fall (August)
This course covers traditional management science techniques such as linear programming, integer programming, and simulation. The emphasis of the course is on practical problem solving. All work is performed in Excel. However, little knowledge of Excel is necessary to begin the class. The particular problems of the course are slanted to attract those interested in finance and operations, but also include some marketing and HR problems. Finance oriented topics include asset allocation, arbitrage, short term cash flow planning, and balance sheet management, among others. Operations oriented topics include production planning, facility location, labor scheduling, blending, and others. The class is "hands on." It will be necessary to have a computer with you in class.
Semester: Fall (August)
This course in microeconomics will provide the fundamentals in understanding the how scarce resources and allocated in a system of unlimited wants. We will be examining how firms and workers respond to incentives, how tools & statistics help us determine the most efficient use of resources, how firms profit maximize and how markets arrive at equilibrium.
Semester: Pre-Spring (January)
The focus of this course is to learn to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in an effective and positive way. A higher EQ helps individuals to communicate better, reduce their anxiety and stress, defuse conflicts, improve relationships, empathize with others, and effectively overcome life’s challenges. Shifting to a virtual world requires more attunement, connection, utilization of different tools and skills, where picking up on queues is a necessity.
Semester: Pre-Spring (January)
This course is designed for both specialists and generalists; namely, those who are pursuing a career in sales and business development, as well as those who will use sales skills in their careers. The course exposes students to the contemporary challenges faced in the selling process. The settings of the cases and exercises used in the course are quite diverse in terms of the sizes of the organizations involved and the types of markets that they serve. Therefore, the course is relevant to students whose interests are in general management, consulting, finance, and entrepreneurship as well as those who expect to work directly in sales and business development. The course centers on three themes: Personal selling Sales management Selling into the channel of distribution. The objective of this course is to develop and enhance the skill set that students will need to pursue careers that involve selling and business development. By the end of this course, you will have acquired the skills that will allow you to enhance your firms' revenue, either personally or through a sales force.
Semester: Post-Spring (May)
The course reviews how to configure an appropriate and effective operating system: one that aligns with, supports, and delivers the chosen value proposition. We also examine the complexities associated with global operating systems, including the hidden costs of outsourcing and offshoring. An important goal of this course is to frame key strategic operations issues and to provide tools to resolve them.
Semester: Post-Spring (May)