Harvard Business Review
May 12, 2017
For CEOs who began their careers when jobs were plentiful and ethical shortcuts were more prevalent, bending rules may become the template for how things are done and what it takes to succeed and survive
March 7, 2017
Emily Bianchi’s talk discusses economic conditions and its role in shaping attitudes and behaviors in our personal and professional lives.
May 15, 2016
"Does access to money predict social behavior? That's the question posed by researchers Emily Bianchi and Kathleen Vohs in a new study. They dug into data for nearly 30,000 respondents of the General Social Survey - that's a long-running sociological survey of American attitude and behavior - to find out how what we earn affects how we spend our time.'
The Washington Post
October 7, 2016
Most (but not all) putative narcissists today are innocent victims of an overused label. Millennials? Nah. People are always more narcissistic when they’re young.
The Atlantic
May 9, 2016
"A new study suggests that with money comes the luxury of choosing not to socialize mostly with neighbors and family members."
The New York Times
June 4, 2014
Emily Bianchi, a professor of organization and management at Emory University and the study’s first author, told MinnPost that the relatively flush ’80s and ’90s might have helped touch off a rise in narcissism, but “the Great Recession may knock this upward trajectory off course.”...
May 30, 2014
But, they're also young people who came of age during a recession. According to a study done by Dr. Emily Bianchi of Emory University’s Goizueta Business School, recession is an event that could mitigate characteristics of narcissism.
"We don’t know a whole lot about where narcissism comes from, but what we do know seems to suggest that narcissism is tempered by adversity and to some extent by failure,” she says.
The word narcissist is one that is often misused to describe people who are vain, rude, or plain old self-centered. In psychology, narcissism has distinguishing characteristics other than self-admiration.
“Hallmarks of narcissism are lack of empathy, a sense that one is better than other people around them, a heightened sense of self-importance. Even a willingness to exploit other people to achieve one’s own gains,” Bianchi says.
The Washington Post
May 14, 2014
That’s according to new research published in the journal Psychological Science. Emily Bianchi of Emory University notes that “people who enter adulthood during recessions are less likely to be narcissistic later in life” than people who start working during more financially comfortable times. (Thanks to Melissa Dahl, writing for the new site Science of Us, for flagging this.)...
The Atlantic
May 13, 2014
Emily Bianchi of Emory University notes in the study that “economic recessions tend to be particularly devastating for young adults,” who are more likely to be unemployed, underemployed, and underpaid during a down economy than older adults with more experience. It stands to reason that such an experience could have a lasting effect, that what you get (or don’t get) when you’re just starting out as a working adult could shape your views of what you think you deserve...