As an undergraduate, Anna worked in project management for TennCare, which assisted low-income families and the elderly. That experience opened her eyes, she says, to health care access issues, costs, and disparities.
For Anna, Goizueta's advantage was clear: she wanted a top-rated one-year program that would teach her how business works, regardless of industry. She also was sold on the culture and community, deriving so much from her classmates.
Emory's strong health care network also was a major draw for Anna, who had the chance to do a directed study with the Emory Clinic, helping to implement a cloud-based, customizable help desk. "I don't know", she says, "if I could have gotten that experience anywhere else."
Until she began the One-Year MBA, Anna was coming at the profession from various angles, all of them worthwhile, but she still wasn't seeing the whole.
In her current job, "Now I am implementing strategies to transform health care organizations and drive their productivity and effectiveness. I don't have to be a doctor to be a leader in health care."