The Summer Core Experience can be an invaluable time for most One-Year MBA students. Because One-Year MBA students are the only ones on campus during that time, it’s a prime opportunity to learn, as well as build relationships with professors and fellow classmates. Carolyn Collins 22MBA took full advantage of this opportunity. “I am still in awe at how much I learned during the Summer Core Experience,” she said. “Each course taught me something that will ultimately change the way I approach my work and the professors do a great job of making the content relevant, regardless of what type of work you intend to pursue after graduation. The campus dynamics change in the fall when everyone is back on campus, and while professors are definitely still accessible, the uninterrupted attention you get during the summer is unmatched.”
Carolyn has spent most of her career working at the intersection of business and community building, so it was important that she chose an MBA program that had strong pathways for engagement. Upon joining Goizueta, she discovered several opportunities, including monthly volunteer activities, a Social Enterprise Fellowship, and several courses through the Business & Society Institute. “I also wanted a program where I would be academically challenged, but also safe to take risks with my learning,” Carolyn said. “Emory's MBA program has allowed me to explore new, difficult disciplines with the support of the incredible faculty.”
What surprised Carolyn most while in the program was some of her most intimidating classes turned out to be some of her favorite courses. “I think it's important to explore disciplines that are outside of your comfort zone and that push you to engage in content that is unfamiliar,” she said.
As she looks toward graduation, Carolyn knows she will be equipped with the skillset needed to add value back to her local community. “It has been a privilege to pursue my MBA at Goizueta, and I want to leverage the skills I've gained to contribute back to this city that has taught me so much,” she said. “Atlanta has a strong history of civic engagement, so I hope to participate in that great tradition once I graduate.”